Crowdin pro učitele

Bronzový plán pro soukromé projekty na 1 rok zdarma.
Neomezené kvóty a funkce pro učitelské projekty s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem (navždy).

Crowdin pro učitele

Sign up for a teacher account

  1. Make sure you have applied for teacher benefits on GitHub. You must be a member of the GitHub Teacher Toolbox to receive a free Crowdin education account.
  2. Sign up for a free Crowdin teacher account via GitHub or log into your existing one and connect your GitHub account.
  3. To get the most out of your Crowdin experience, read the article Getting Started.
If you’re working on an open source project, submit an Open Source Request or contact us directly at We love the open-source philosophy and are eager to support community educational projects.