Localized resources can boost your sales, training, and support efforts on a global scale. Set processes up once, then create, change, and localize content without getting developers involved.
Značky lokalizující dokumenty a zdroje pomocí Crowdin
Localize any content
Knowledge base articles
Technická dokumentace
User guides
Help centers
"When we developed Docusaurus to make it easy to create great open source websites, localization was a primary support feature. Crowdin has made it easy for those websites to add translations, helping project owners provide a more global documentation reach. And the Crowdin support team is awesome!"
Help your translators be more efficient by supplying them with translations performed quickly by the most popular machine translation engines. Each translation can then be easily reviewed and edited by real people, which saves a lot of time.
No need to translate the same title or notice across several projects. Simply get smart translations suggested based on translations already made in Crowdin.
Ensure that feature names and other terms specific to your product are consistently translated across each language. Terms are highlighted for translators with tips for the best translations, including which terms shouldn't be translated.
Provide your translators with immediate context for their translations so they can easily adjust them to fit your app's UI and be relative to other content on the page.
Upload screenshots, and tag all the relative content from your project in one click. With screenshots, translators will understand the context better and thus make relative translations faster.
Support is just a click away
If you need assistance, Crowdin Support is available 24/7. Whether it's introductory settings or any advanced feature, we're there. We're available at any time, day or night, via live chat, phone, and email.
"I love Crowdin, it has driven out translations for our applications quickly thanks to 600 passionate translators. Thank you for helping us translating MusiXmatch in 42 languages, you are awesome!"
Massimo CiociolaFounder and CEO
Proměňte komplexní pracovní postup v příjemný zážitek z lokalizace
Create or update content directly in your help center.
Obsah se do Crowdin exportuje automaticky
V Crowdinu na tom pracují překladatelé a korektoři
Jakmile je obsah plně přeložen, je importován zpět
You can publish it in as many languages as you need
Agilní lokalizace pro všechny vaše týmy
Automatizujte aktualizace zdrojového obsahu pro překlad. Přijímejte překlady a poté rozhodujte o slučování a zveřejňování.
Crowdin je překládán dobrovolníky a některé překlady mohou být neúplné. Můžete nám pomoci přeložit Crowdin do vašeho jazyka přidáním nových překladů nebo hlasováním pro ty stávající.